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Blind Pig Confessions's Podcast

Sep 2, 2016

It's always a special night when honorary Pig, Jerry Connor, joins the boys for the evening. Jerry invited us back once again to The Bier Brewery to be some of first to sample this year's batch of Pumpkin Bier which will be released to the public at Bier's Pumkin Ale Party next Friday night, Sept 9th. Be sure to join us for this fantastic fall kick off event.

Also joining in the fun this evening was the coordinator of the upcoming Noblesville Brewfest, Greg Baker. We couldn't be happier to part of this fantastic event coming to Noblesville on Sept. 24th. There will be an amazing line up of breweries(which includes The Bier Brewery, of course) and some great food along with live music for all to enjoy for a bargain price. And all event proceeds benefit the Forest Park Aquatic Center. Be sure to stop by the beer tent and say "hello" to the Pigs. Tune in to hear all the details of these two great events. Cheers!